Fresh Eyes

15 Feb 2017

iOS Push Notifications in Elixir

I’m currently playing with Elixir, but I don’t have any strong product ideas, so I’m building generic infrastructure I might need later on. I have solved some of these problems with other languages, I find rebuilding these things as a good way to familiarize myself with new languages and frameworks. The first thing I decided to build out is a push notification service.

I’ll mostly focus on using the legacy binary protocol in this implementation. The repository is available here.

13 Feb 2017

Beginner's Eyes

As mentioned in my about page, I’ve mostly been focused on iOS development for the past few years. I have worked on other platforms, mainly Android and some backend Ruby code, but it is not frequent and it has been a while. I also have not deployed to a server since using capistrano or fabric a long time ago. Since I’m on parental leave from work, so I decided to correct that.