iOS Push Notifications in Elixir

I’m currently playing with Elixir, but I don’t have any strong product ideas, so I’m building generic infrastructure I might need later on. I have solved some of these problems with other languages, I find rebuilding these things as a good way to familiarize myself with new languages and frameworks. The first thing I decided to build out is a push notification service.

I’ll mostly focus on using the legacy binary protocol in this implementation. The repository is available here.

Getting started

The first thing to do is use mix to create an Elixir project. I’m using OTP processes to send the push notifications so we want a supervisor to manage the these. The command to do this is:

% mix new apns --sup

This creates a new Elixir application with its own supervisor tree. You can then add your processes to the children list to have them managed by the supervisor.

# lib/apns.ex

defmodule APNS do

  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

    # Define workers and child supervisors to be supervised
    children = [
      # Starts a worker by calling: APNS.Worker.start_link(arg1, arg2, arg3)
      # worker(APNS.Worker, [arg1, arg2, arg3]),

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: APNS.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

I am a bit fussy so I capitalized APNS in my module names since it is an acronym.

Creating and reading a configuration

If you want to send a push notification, you need to create a certificate and key to connect to Apple’s service. The docs for this are here. We need a way to configure this in our application. The easiest way is to use the configuration files mix created.

# config/config.exs
use Mix.Config
config :apns, :config,
  push_host: "",
  push_port: 2195,
  cert: "priv/cert.pem",
  key: "priv/key.pem",
  feedback_handler: APNS.FeedbackHandler

This defines a keyword list for the APNS application. In it, I specify a few configuration values: the host, port of the APNS service, the certificate and key locations and finally a feedback handler module to send back the error responses.

Creating the OTP GenServer and managing an SSL connection

I then created the OTP process that will manage our APNS connection and send out the push notifications. I use the Connection library that extends GenServer to support connecting, disconnecting and backs off in the case of errors.

The first thing I do is implement start_link which is responsible for starting the process. Here I read the configuration above, create an initial state map with the connection and SSL options we will use.

# lib/push_worker.ex
defmodule APNS.PushWorker do
  use Connection

  # client api
  def start_link(_) do
    config = Application.get_env(:apns, :config)
    host = config[:push_host]
    port = config[:push_port]
    cert_path = config[:cert]
    key_path = config[:key]
    feedback_handler = config[:feedback_handler]
    opts = [
      reuse_sessions: false,
      mode: :binary,
      certfile: to_char_list(cert_path),
      keyfile: to_char_list(key_path),
      active: :once
    state = %{
      host: to_char_list(host),
      port: port,
      opts: opts,
      timeout: 60 * 1000,
      socket: nil,
      feedback_handler: feedback_handler
    Connection.start_link(__MODULE__, state)


One interesting thing here is that I convert Elixir strings to char lists. We use Erlang’s SSL library and it expects character lists as inputs.

When we call Connection.start_link the init method gets called back by OTP. I implement it as follows:

def init(state) do
  {:connect, :init, state}

This then causes the connect function to be called. Here I actually make my socket connection.

def connect(_, %{socket: nil, host: host, port: port, opts: opts,
timeout: timeout} = state) do
  case :ssl.connect(host, port, opts, timeout) do
    {:ok, socket} ->
      {:ok, %{state | socket: socket}}
    {:error, reason} ->
      :error_logger.format("Connection error: ~s state: ~s ~n", [reason, inspect(state)])
      {:backoff, 1000, state}

If I create a connection, I add the socket to the process state. Otherwise I back off, Connection tries again later. I follow these up with a few other methods to manage disconnecting and reconnecting as needed depending on errors and connectivity status. These are not relevant to APNS so you can look at the repository for more info.

Creating and transforming the notification object

I then create an Elixir struct to model my notification. I also create a set of methods to manipulate the fields in it. The file is in lib/notification.ex but the implementation allows us to manipulate a notification as follows:

import APNS.Notification
push =
  |> alert("hello world")
  |> badge(5)
  |> sound("sound.aiff")
  |> category("hello")
  |> mutable_content(true)
  |> thread_id(1)

Which I find quite nice. It reminds me of the builder pattern. without the .build() call at the end. One important thing to note is that at every step of the way, we’re creating a new notification struct since data is immutable in Elixir.

Sending out a notification

Once I have a model object, I need to structure the data to send through the binary protocol. I create an encoder module to handle this work.

# lib/encoder.ex
defmodule APNS.Encoder do

  def encode_notification(token, notification) do
    json = APNS.Notification.to_json(notification)
    frame_data = <<>>
    |> encode_frame_data(1, byte_size(token), token)
    |> encode_frame_data(2, byte_size(json), json)
    |> encode_frame_data(3, 4, notification.identifier)
    |> encode_frame_data(4, 4, notification.expiration_date)
    |> encode_frame_data(5, 1, notification.priority)

    << 2 :: size(8), byte_size(frame_data) :: size(32), frame_data :: binary >>

  # Not sure why I need the clauses with specific sizes.
  # It seems like I can't use dynamic values in a binary size() modifier?

  defp encode_frame_data(frame_data, _id, _size, nil) do

  defp encode_frame_data(frame_data, id, size, data) when is_binary(data) do
    frame_data <> << id :: size(8), size :: size(16), data :: binary >>

  defp encode_frame_data(frame_data, id, 1 = size, data) do
    frame_data <> << id :: size(8), size :: size(16), data :: size(8) >>

  defp encode_frame_data(frame_data, id, 4 = size, data) do
    frame_data <> << id :: size(8), size :: size(16), data :: size(32) >>


It exports an encode_notification function that receives a token in binary form and the notification object I want to send out. It then constructs a binary blob. I think this method really shows where Elixir shines. The ease with which I can append binary data and specify sizes is really nice. Having multiple function heads also makes it easy to ignore nil data.

I’m a bit unhappy with the last two function heads. For some reason, I couldn’t pass a variable value to the size() modifier, so I needed to add function heads for the sizes I knew about.

Once I can properly encode data, I’m ready to send it out.

# lib/push_worker.ex
# client api
def push(pid, token, notification) do, {:push, token, notification})

# server api

def handle_call({:push, token, notification}, _from, %{socket: socket} = state) do
  data = APNS.Encoder.encode_notification(token, notification)
  case :ssl.send(socket, data) do
    :ok ->
      {:reply, :ok, state}
    {:error, reason} = error ->
      reason = :inet.format_error(reason)
      :error_logger.format("connection error: ~s~n", [reason])
      {:disconnect, error, state}

Here, I just provide a client api method that makes a call to the process with a push message. Then in handle_call I match against the message and send the data through the socket and log any errors.

Handling feedback

Originally, there was a separate feedback socket but I think that has been deprecated when the newer binary protocol was rolled out. At least I never received any messages on it in my tests and I receive responses through the push socket on bad requests. To handle these, I implement handle_info functions to received and parse the data and forward it to the FeedbackHandler that is set in the configuration.

  def handle_info({:ssl, socket, _msg}, %{socket: socket, feedback_handler: nil} = state) do
    {:no_reply, state}

  def handle_info({:ssl, socket, << command :: size(8), status :: size(8), identifier :: size(32)>> = msg}, %{socket: socket, feedback_handler: handler} = state) do
    handler.handle_feedback(command, status, identifier)
    {:no_reply, state}

The first function handles the case where there isn’t a FeedbackHandler in our state and just does nothing. The second implementation parses the message and passes the deconstructed values to the handler.

Using poolboy to create a process pool

Now, I want to have a couple of push workers running at once. I use poolboy to accomplish this. I update my start method as follows:

# lib/apns.ex
  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

    pool_options = [
     name: {:local, :apns_pool},
     worker_module: APNS.PushWorker,
     size: 5,
     max_overflow: 2

    children = [
      :poolboy.child_spec(:apns_pool, pool_options, [])

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: APNS.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Providing a client API

Then, all that is left is to provide an API for clients to use. This turns out to be fairly straightforward.

def push(token, notification) do
  :poolboy.transaction(:apns_pool, fn(worker)->
      APNS.PushWorker.push(worker, token, notification)

This just checks out a worker using poolboy and calls the push client method on it.

What did I find interesting?

Elixir is pretty fun to work with and departure from my day to day. Here are a few of the things I found curious.

Pattern matching and destructuring

Matching and destructuring your inputs in function heads or on return is a pretty interesting concept. The idea of having multiple implementations depending on your input is nice as well. You end up writing a lot less if statements because of this and you don’t pollute the code that does the work with early return statements based on input validity.

Interfacing with Erlang

Interop between “newer” languages built on top of older VMs is always a bit jank. Elixir and Erlang are not that different. You need to prefix Erlang modules with : and most Erlang modules expect character lists instead of “Strings” (which are just UTF binaries). Overall, the process is fairly seamless, but it’s obvious you are munging things to interop with something else. This bit me the most when I was starting to try out http/2 libs for my other implementation.

Working with Binaries

Working with binaries in Elixir is nothing short of magic. The ease with which you can create and read binary data is seriously impressive. It truly beats managing an array of bytes.


I’ve worked with immutable model layers before, but that is the only option in Elixir. Having to reassign to a variable can get a bit cumbersome sometimes, but I do think it’s worth it. I think if Elixir forces single assignment like Erlang, this would get tedious. The |> operator does help with cutting intermediate assigns while you transform your data set.

Aside: Push Notifications through HTTP/2

I also implemented an HTTP/2 version of APNS. For this I used Gun as an HTTP/2 client and Joken to generate JSON Web Tokens. The sad thing is that I had to use the git version of Gun, which requires newer versions of cowlib and ranch. This conflicts with the current versions used in Phoenix, so I can’t use my APNS server in a Phoenix application. I have to figure out what options I have here.